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Haavatahu infusioon diabeedist

Diabecon DS Key ingredients: Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts: Shilajeet decreases hepatic glucose production and prevents hyperglycemia. Shilajeet has a protective action on b-cells of the pancreas, and promotes unrestricted endogenous insuli.

Diabeetilised toidud

Diabetes has emerged as a detrimental disease in the modern world. Unhealthy eating habits and stress is seen as major cause for rise in number of Diabetic patients. The disease is not restricted to developed countries alone. WHO projected India as the fastest growing diabetic population.

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Diabecon DS Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels. It is the result of insufficient insulin production in the body or unresponsiveness of the cells to the insulin that is produced.
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Welcome to Infusion Sciences! My name is Budge Collinson and I am the Founder and President of Infusion Sciences. Our mission is to offer products that naturally improve health and vitality from the inside.

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