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Balanopostüüdi raviga diabeet

What is Balanoposthitis? Treatment, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Complications and Prevention. Balanoposthitis is a condition seen in uncircumcised males where glans penis, prepuce are inflamed due to several infections related to non-removal of foreskin.

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balanoposthitis Urology Inflammation of the glans penis (balano) and the prepuce (posth). In practice the distinction is rarely made, especially in countries where circumcision.
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Circumcision prevents balanoposthitis. Without a foreskin, there can of course be no posthitis and hence no balanoposthitis. An uncircumcised boy should be taught to clean his penis with care to prevent infection and inflammation of the foreskin and the glans penis. Cleaning of the penis is done by gently, not forcibly, retracting the foreskin.
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Candida balanoposthitis is a known feature of diabetes mellitus especially in Indian males who are predominantly uncircumcised. In this country, diabetes is often diagnosed for the first time by dermatologists. Diabetes is much more frequently the cause of candida balanoposthitis than sexual intercourse in India.
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Medical definition of balanoposthitis: inflammation of the glans penis and of the foreskin.
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Meredyth Jones, D.G. Pugh, in Sheep and Goat Medicine (Second Edition), 2012 Ulcerative Posthitis and Vulvovaginitis. Ulcerative posthitis, also known as enzootic balanoposthitis, pizzle rot, and sheath rot, is an infectious disease of the external genitalia of male small ruminants, with lesions also occurring in females.

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