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Balanopostiitne diabeediravi

India is becoming an epicentre of type II diabetes mellitus with a crude prevalence rate of about 9%. Candida balanoposthitis is a known feature of diabetes mellitus especially in Indian males who are predominantly uncircumcised.

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Situées de part et d ́autre de l ́anus, le chien, chat mais aussi furet, disposent de deux glandes anales. L’odeur nauséabonde du liquide qui s’en dégage, normalement naturellement, sert notamment de moyen de communication.

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What is Balanoposthitis? Treatment, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Complications and Prevention. Balanoposthitis is a condition seen in uncircumcised males where glans penis, prepuce are inflamed due to several infections related to non-removal of foreskin.
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Diagnosis [Table 2] Balanitis is a descriptive term covering a variety of unrelated conditions, the appearances of which maybe suggestive, but should never be thought to be pathognomonic, and biopsy is sometimes needed to exclude premalignant disease.
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Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis. When the foreskin is also affected, it is termed balanoposthitis. Balanitis on boys still in diapers must be distinguished from redness caused by ammoniacal dermatitis. The word is from the Greek βάλανος balanos "acorn".
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