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Insuliinisõltumatu diabeet koertel

Introduction. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a potent cardiovascular risk factor in the general population as well as in those undergoing maintenance dialysis (1 –5).Clinical trials have shown that tight glycemic control decreases the risk of developing retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy in the general population (6,7).

Kas ma peaksin diabeedi pärast muretsema?

Effect of Genetic Background on Insulin Secretory Function in Response to a Low and High Fat Diet Generation of genetically-modi Generation of genetically-modified mice is a popular way of studying metabolism for diseases eg obesity and diabetes.

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The histopathology of type 1 diabetes is defined by a decreased β-cell mass in association with insulitis, a characteristic lymphocytic infiltration limited to the islets of Langerhans and prominent in early stage disease in children. A cytotoxic T-cell mediated destruction of insulin-producing.
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